- Stomach-ache,
- Tooth pain and
- Head-ache, etc.
- Calf Muscles in the back-side of Lower legs
- Muscles in the Lower back below the Ribs
- Muscles on the back of the upper Thighs

Sometimes, as and when we get up or try to get up all of a sudden, after sitting or lying down in a place for a fairly long time, we will have muscles sprain. Muscles sprains will occur when we suddenly put stress on the muscles when they are not ready for activities. Sometimes, in the act of our suddenly getting up, we will over-stretch the calf muscles, and we will get muscles sprain and pain as the muscles will be pulled/ teared. The pulls or tears of the calf muscles will be of various degrees, depending on which the calf muscles will be strained or even damaged. Also, because of straining our calf muscles too much, by walking, jogging or running without proper relaxation before doing such activities, we will get muscles sprain with pain.
Muscles Sprains/Calf muscles sprains will be due to:-
- Weakness of the muscles/Fatigue,
- Tightness of calf muscles,
- Overstrain,
- Cold weather and
- Sports activities like:-Running/Hurdles/ Long jump/ Basketball/ Soccer/ Football/ Rugby etc. in which due to running fast, muscles will be stretched beyond their limits.
The treatments for Muscles Sprains are:-
- Rest:-We must stop the activities causing the sprain, such as running, jumping, and weightlifting using the lower leg muscles.
- Elevation:– We must keep the leg in a raised position to reduce swelling, if any.
- Cold:– Ice fermentation must be given to the affected area, by putting ice cubes in a polythene bag, and not directly with ice on the leg/s.
- Compression:– We can wear an elastic compression bandage around the affected lower leg to prevent swelling.
- Medications:- Tablets for relieving pain can be taken, if necessary, getting them over the counter from your medical store, or upon consultation of our doctor.
- We must keep our muscles strong enough to bear sudden physical stress.
- Before any straining physical activity, we must have a brief warm-up and relaxation of the muscles.
- We must learn and follow proper technique/s for exercise and sporting activities.
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