Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure:-
- Dizziness,
- weakness,
- fatigue,
- lethargy and
- occasional fainting.
- Faulty nutrition and malnutrition,
- deficiency of : Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Protein and Calories,
- loss of blood,
- side effects of medications taken after some surgeries,
- emotional problems,
- prolonged frustration and disappointments and
- worrying over small and routine matter.
For the Low Blood Pressure patients the following diet schedule can be followed:-
- a well-balanced diet,
- a cup of 'Raw Beet root juice' twice daily
- Salt helps restore normal Blood Pressure levels; half a teaspoon salt dissolved in water should be taken daily till required level is reached.
- walking, swimming, bicycling,
- sun and air bath daily

- wrong thinking,fear, unnecessary worries and overwork should be avoided.
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