According to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the Congress Party President , they are committed to and effective ‘Lokpal Bill’.
Mrs Gandhi’s speech read in the Indian Parliament on 09th November2011 in her absence has pointed out that it was the National Advisory Council (NAC) headed by her which had first started public consultations on the ‘lokpal bill’.
In her speech just after return after her surgery, Mrs. Gandhi has strongly condemned the ‘agitations threats’ by the ‘Team Anna’ and asked why there has been so much noise from them. Also she has confirmed that corruption in India cannot be eradicated overnight by speeches , fasting and agitations.
Mrs. Gandhi has asked the members of the ‘Team Anna’ to look into them for eradicating corruption, having in mind the allegations and charges in finance and funds, on some of the members of the ‘team anna’, especially, Mrs. Kiran Bedi.
It appears that Mrs. Gandhi appeals to “Team Anna” to first correct themselves, and asks them to explain how they can call their corruptive activities as ‘savings’ and ‘service’ and call the thing when done by others as ‘deadly sins’.
"Doctor, Heal Thyself".
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