The following are the details of the TNEB Tariff wef: 01st April 2012:-
For usage upto 100 units:
From 1 unit To 100 units- Re 1/- per unit (Minimum Charges Rs 20/-)
For usage above 100 units and upto 200 units:
From 1 unit To 200 units- Rs 1.5 per unit
For usage above 200 units and upto 500 units:
From 1 unit To 200 units –Rs 2/- per unit
From 201 units To 500- Rs 3/- per unit
For usage above 500 units:
From 1 unit To 200 units- Rs 3/- per unit
From 201 units To 500 units- Rs 4/- per unit
From 501 units And Above- Rs 5.75 per unit
As and if the usage increases the rate of elecricity/unit charges will increase, right from 1 unit in an escalating manner.
The Domestic Consumer of Electricity in Tamilnadu cannot monitor the EB Meter readings like watching
taxi-meter reading. To reduce the EB Bill, the usage must be reduced/controlled. The TNEB has given tips to decrease consumption of electricity and the following are some of the tips given by the TNEB.
Tips To Reduce Usage and EB Bills- Suggested by TNEB:
Washing Machines:
For usage upto 100 units:
From 1 unit To 100 units- Re 1/- per unit (Minimum Charges Rs 20/-)
For usage above 100 units and upto 200 units:
From 1 unit To 200 units- Rs 1.5 per unit
For usage above 200 units and upto 500 units:
From 1 unit To 200 units –Rs 2/- per unit
From 201 units To 500- Rs 3/- per unit
For usage above 500 units:
From 1 unit To 200 units- Rs 3/- per unit
From 201 units To 500 units- Rs 4/- per unit
From 501 units And Above- Rs 5.75 per unit
As and if the usage increases the rate of elecricity/unit charges will increase, right from 1 unit in an escalating manner.
The Domestic Consumer of Electricity in Tamilnadu cannot monitor the EB Meter readings like watching
taxi-meter reading. To reduce the EB Bill, the usage must be reduced/controlled. The TNEB has given tips to decrease consumption of electricity and the following are some of the tips given by the TNEB.
Tips To Reduce Usage and EB Bills- Suggested by TNEB:
- SWITCH OFF lights when not required.
- Use Compact Fluorescent Lamps (Power Savers) instead of incandescent lamps/Tube Lights.
- Use electronic ballasts / electronic choke instead of electromagnetic chokes.
- Use Power Saver/ Compact Fluorescent Lamps of 5, 7,9 & 11 watts instead of the so called “zero watt bulbs”, which consume 12 to 15 Watts / hour.
- Clean bulbs and tube-lights periodically to avoid reduction in illumination.
- Fans:
- SWITCH OFF Fans when not required
- Use light weight / energy efficient fans.
- Use electronic regulators for fans for they consume less power and provide fine control.
- Avoid rewinding of motors in fans.
- Clean fan blades periodically.
- Lubricate bearing of motors of fans periodically.
- Use Grinders with energy efficient motors.
- Use grinders to their full capacity.
- Clean and lubricate grinder parts periodically.
Washing Machines:
- Use washing machines to their full capacity.
- Avoid using dryer in washing machines whenever possible.
- Use correct capacity air-conditioner to suit the requirement.
- Avoid frequent opening and closing of air-conditioned room.
- Clean the AC filters periodically.
- Air-conditioned room must be leak proof.
- Set the room air conditioner between 24 to 26 degrees C.
- Use energy efficient star labeled new air conditioners instead of old ones which need repairs.
Iron Boxes:
- Avoid ironing one or two clothes daily and adopt large scale ironing.
- Keep refrigerator away from the wall to allow air to circulate around the refrigerator.
- Avoid frequent closing and opening of refrigerator door.
- Allow heated food stuff to cool down to normal temperature before refrigerating.
- Make sure foods are covered before they are kept in the refrigerator.
- Defrost regularly to keep freezers working their best.
- Thermostat control in refrigerators should be adjusted to optimum level depending upon climatic condition.
- Use energy efficient star labeled refrigerators, instead of old ones which need repairs.
- Use energy efficient water pumps.
- Use correct size PVC piping system in water lines.
- Arrest leakage of water in taps / joints.
- Use capacitors for water pumps to improve power factor.
- Use level controllers for tripping of water pumps while pumping of water to overhead tanks etc.,
- Avoid water leakage in taps / joints.
- Insulate hot water pipes to reduce heat loss.
- Turn off your Computers at home, when not in use.
- If your computers at home must be left on, turn off the monitor which uses more than 50% of electricity needed for using computers.; this
- Keep Computers, monitors, and copiers in ‘Sleep Mode’ to cut electricity consumption by about 40 %.
- Instead of using Screen savers which will save only computer screens, not energy, computers may be shut down and start-up, which do not require extra energy.
- To take steps to receive complaints of "Low Voltage" and
- To attend to the complaints promptly and
- To rectify the 'low voltage' problems with a 'time-frame' and
- To ensure "upto the mark supply" of electricity in the State of Tamilnadu, especially in Chennai.
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